Sunday, November 9, 2008

Play n Learning

We were asked to construct 3 games after listening to the story called Chika, chika boom boom, it was on alphabets telling each other to meet them on a coconut tree..

1st Game
My group drew a pic of how it was supposed to be played. On a toilet paper roll, we will have a coconut tree and write the Uppercase Letters on it. then comes the coconut fruit represented by balls of brown, crushed up paper, which is having the LowercaseLetters drawn on them. Next, we are to aim and whack down the same letter as the one we happened to be holding..e.g i'm holding the letter "d", i have to throw it a "D"
2nd Game
Alphabet matching!
Upper Case Letters drawn on a coconut tree, Lower case Letters on a special cut out piece of paper, in the shape of a coconut. the child will pick an alphabet on the coconut Lower case Letters, and match it with the Upper case Letters in the tree.
3rd Game
There would be 26 baskets/containers that Labels A-Z, and some picture cards. the child is to Match the pic by reading the name of the object/animal..etc and find out which is the starting sound, putting them into corresponding baskets.. e.g Fish (begins with "f"), so child places it in the Basket that labels "F"

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