Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bomb Lift

that day, in the gardens mid valley, shopping i happened to come across a bomb lift !! is it a sign of our times now that we need such a thing ??? hahahaha....

actually its bomba lift... the a fell off, but they forgot to replace it..

Chinese New Year

Hey pplz.. sorry i had not updated my blog for some time..been quite here goes my CNY so far.. been visiting unc, aunties n some friends... so nice to have met up with petrina yesterday, as she's always busy busy busy working in a beautician line shop in a shoppin mall.. she works from day to night.. poor girl...hahahaha....unlike half day..XP i'm so bad !! ...haha.. here's a pic of me n petrina !!

Tonight will be attending another friend's CNY party n a surprise birthday party for Victor !! ( he has no clue it is meant for celebrating his bday, so we had to fool him to think its CNY party...or he'll somehow try to escape from going !)